It's no secret that we who live here in Tennessee have been dealt a soggy hand this past weekend. Over 15 inches of rain fell, leaving most of Nashville and surrounding areas under up to twenty feet of water or more. We were fortunate, we live high up on a bluff, and escaped the epic floods that so many fell victim to. It has been particularly sad, because so many lives were lost. While safe and sound here at the Goode house, the rain certainly sent us all into a gloomy funk. The dogs didn't crawl out of their nests for two days, Hubby and I did little other than watch the drama that was occurring unfold on the local news station, and we also took time to counted our blessings.
It's all been quite surreal. The rivers have finally crested, and the water is starting to recede, now the real work starts and harsh reality sets in. It's times like these that really put a lot of things in our personal lives into perspective. We may have our troubles, and might be traveling some rough roads, but we are in our air conditioned home, with plenty of food, electricity, a comfortable bed to sleep in, and best of all each other. Even though the rains are pouring down regarding health issues here, the sun is shining brightly in so many other ways. As the old adage goes...into each life a little rain must fall.
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