Packing for a trip that you really want to take can be daunting enough, but packing to go somewhere that you really don't want to go is a down right overwhelming task. How do you pack for a trip to the hospital, where you have no idea what's going to be done, or how long it will take. Humm, I guess my method of throw a little of this in, and a little of that, some sweats and be done with it is all that a girl can do. I hope I don't need a fraction of what I have tucked so neatly into my suitcase; that some brainiac finds exactly what's wrong in record time, with little prodding or poking around. Ahh, that would be the cherry on my cake! But, for now...it's off to the Mayo I go, with prayers for answers to my mystery
ills. See you on the flip side!!