Blow out the candles, and make a big wish!! Today is Princess Sedona's 10th birthday. She is this family's four legged redhead, in the form of a very cute, and sweet dachshund. She is without question the ruler of our home. She, like the other dogs in this house, allow us to live here. At the ripe old age of 10, she has invested a great amount of time and energy into training us well. We obey her every command on demand. When asked about what she would like to have for her special celebration dinner, she didn't have to think very long at all. Bacon, popcorn, watermelon and ice cream, enjoyed separately or all at once, how ever we wanted to serve it up. What the Princess wants, the Princess gets. It's small payment for the life, joy, humor, and dedicated companionship she has selflessly given to us day after day. She has survived life threatening illnesses, evil dog attacks, snake bites and numerous other serious injuries, all without as much as a whimper or a whine. She is one tough old girl. When asked what she attributed her long happy life to, she simply said "being loved". Happy 10th Birthday Sedona!! May the next 10 years be just as sweet!! We love you lil girl. Thank you for taking such good care of us!! XXXOOO